I could not have finished my first book with so much pride and in time for tenure review without Rachel Kravetz. We met in the final revision process. Pressed for time, I planned to share the introduction only at first. The feedback was so rich, however, that I shared the whole book and asked her to read it twice. I made many structural and stylistic changes following her honest, direct, and detailed guidance. Having her reread revised chapters also reassured me that the work was clear and complete. Seeing the book through her expert editorial eyes ultimately helped me finish the book exactly as I wanted to. Send her a message and see for yourself. She really reads you. For a writer, there is no greater gift.
—Assistant Professor of Sociology, Boston

Rachel Kravetz is the editor that I didn’t think I needed. I hired her under the assumption that she’d give me some general ideas for how to improve my book. What she actually did was much more than that. Rachel invested in my project like it was her own and found ways to improve it in ways that were both surprising and logical. She made suggestions for my book that after hearing them made complete sense but that I would’ve never thought of on my own. I will definitely be hiring Rachel again for my next book and I recommend her services for anyone who wants an editor who genuinely wants to see a book, and its author, succeed.
—Associate Professor of Economics, Bloomington

Rachel edited my book proposal, a document that I had agonized over for many months. I chose to work with Rachel because, from our conversations, I knew that she would read with a generous sensibility, and that she wanted the project to grow. As an editor, Rachel is simultaneously kind and direct. Her comments pushed me to clarify and strengthen my argument, and formulate the stakes and intervention of my project. She provided big-picture comments, as well as attention to detail. After working with Rachel, my proposal is in good shape to be submitted to a publisher.
Assistant Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies, Texas

I reached out to Rachel Kravetz very last minute; I was preparing a document about a performance work that was to be sent to potential host institutions. Rachel not only replied quickly but agreed to edit within a very short turnaround time. She transformed my text with exceptional speed. She has a keen eye attuned to overarching ideas within a text, the specifics of grammar, and everything in between. I’m so thankful to have worked with Rachel.
Artist and Visiting Assistant Professor of Art, Denver

Rachel is smart, perceptive, and passionate about good writing. Also, when she is called on to be, she is very direct in her suggestions. On two separate pieces of mine she helped me think through the question of who my audience was and sharpen my arguments accordingly. I have complete faith in her editorial instincts.
—Professor of History, New York

“In her review of an article I was drafting (a cultural study of nineteenth-century British representations of Indian tigers in the context of colonization), Rachel helped me to identify gaps in the flow of my ideas as well as unanswered questions that would be essential for my readers’ comprehension. Rachel is the interlocutor that we try to imagine as we write, approaching each piece of writing trying to engage its ideas on their terms and as presented.”
—Associate Professor of English, New York

Rachel provided an incredibly insightful read of my book’s introduction. I feel so much more confident moving forward and finalizing the full book draft. I would not be this close to publication without her read and her care in responding to the work.
—Historian and Archivist, Los Angeles

Rachel is remarkably attuned to detail and provides insightful, thorough, and timely feedback.  When I was a graduate student, she helped me work through the structure of my visual arts thesis with awareness, authenticity, and legibility. Her input on a later experimental publication was equally strong and perceptive. Rachel is an unparalleled force of intellectual versatility, warmth, and professionalism. I endlessly recommend her.
—Artist, Los Angeles